Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Jose Vargas was a youth pastor, then served in the Secret Service, and is now a life and leadership coach. Check this episode out for his story and the 4 Step Process of how he helps lead his clients to accomplish their dreams!
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
#25 How To Master Delegation in 10 Steps
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
The inability to delegate is one of the most common things holding back leaders, executives and business owners from scaling their influence and reaching their goals.
Check out this short, practical teaching on the 10 steps to mastering delegation and leveling up your leadership ability.
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Much love,
Jared Graybeal
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Roman Sharf came from the Soviet Union at 13 years old, joined the Army at 18, went to Penn State after, then was a VP at a Fortune 500 company by 26 years old - only to leave and start his own business that is now a 100M+ revenue-generating global online jewelry sales company (Luxury Bazaar)
In this episode, Roman and I discuss:
- his origin story
- how he transitioned from high-level leadership in the corporate world to leaping into entrepreneurship
- how to maximize the opportunities we have as Americans
- what good leadership looks like
- how to build and run a healthy business
- leading a family and a growing business at the same time
Enjoy the show and as always, subscribe, share and leave a review!
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Over the past 20 years, our world has changed more than the 200 years prior. A dramatic shift has already begun in the workplace, and it is only going to continue changing at a rapid pace over the next decade.
In this episode, I review the 3 people who will thrive in the New Economy, and the 6 ways you can become one of them!
As always, please leave a review and share this episode with anyone you think it will bring value to!
Much love, JG
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
#22 5 Ways to Get Better Results in 2020 (reaching your goals)
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Every year, we set new goals. The problem is: most of us expect to reach these new goals, with the same habits. We have got to change if we want to grow, and here are 5 ways to get better results with your goals in 2020
As always, please share the podcast with a friend, and leave a review!
DM me at @jaredaxlgraybeal if you have any feedback ( :
Much love,
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
#22 How to Measure the Value of Criticism (the 4 Types)
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
As leaders, we receive criticism (or advice) in all forms. It comes from every angle, most likely every day. Sometimes, that can be overwhelming and misleading if you don't know how to measure the value of what is coming in.
Check our episode 22 to learn about the 4 types of criticism, and how to measure their value you so you can better apply criticism to your life!
As always, please leave a review and share this episode with someone!
Much love, JG
Monday Dec 16, 2019
#21 How to Regain Your Focus
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
#20 5 Personality Traits of the Ideal Leader
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
- Humility
Humility is the underlying ingredient to be the right kind of servant leader. The type who empowers others by setting the example but doesn’t always do the job for them. Humility, in this sense, is not a lack of confidence or self-worth, but the absence of pride and self-absorption. Knowing that you wouldn’t be where you are without your God-given talents, abilities, and most importantly, your team.
- Influence
Influence is very simply the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of others. More specifically, positive influence. It’s hard to be a leader if people don’t want to follow you.
- Vision
Vision can be defined as a picture in the leader's imagination that motivates people to action when communicated compellingly, passionately and clearly. To be a visionary, a leader needs nothing more than a clear vision of the future. A visionary leader who clearly and passionately communicates his or her vision can motivate employees to act with passion and purpose, thereby ensuring that everyone is working toward a common goal. The end result is that everyone contributes to the organization's forward momentum.
- Open-Mindedness
Open-mindedness is receptiveness to new ideas, which relates to the way in which people approach the views and knowledge of others. Open-minded individuals are more inclined to listen to, and seriously consider alternative viewpoints. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “every man is my superior, in that, I learn of him”, which means that everyone has some value to contribute, and if we don’t recognize that value, we are stunting our personal growth and the growth of the team and mission as a whole.
- Competence
Competence is a cluster of related abilities, commitments, knowledge, and skills that enable a person to act effectively in a job or situation, and we believe both relative to the specific field, and general competence is important for a great leader. This may seem insensitive, but charisma can only take you so far. People need to know they are following someone who knows what they are talking about, how to get the job done, and if not, someone who knows how to find a way to figure it out.
Us choosing these 5 traits doesn’t mean the rest aren’t important. If you look closely, the remaining 16 traits are key ingredients to mastering the main 5 we’ve identified. Open-mindedness takes self-awareness and empathy just like influence takes charisma, passion, and communication.
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
#19 3 Ways To Get Unstuck and Stay There Forever
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Have you ever felt stuck?
Like you’ve been doing the same routine forever, and you’re not growing in any way? Well, you’re not alone.
A study of 2,000 people found that 69 percent feel trapped in the same old routine and over 40 percent are generally unhappy with their lives because of it. (1)
In this podcast, I’m going to outline the 3 main reasons that people get stuck in the first place, give you the 3 ways to get unstuck and give you practical examples of your next steps so you can live a life of endless personal growth.
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
#18 7 Hacks To Work Life Balance
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
7 Life Hacks to Mastering Work-Life Balance
By Jared Graybeal
I’ve had tons of conversations and read a handful of articles about how there’s no such thing as “work-life balance” if you really want to excel at both. Some say that when it comes to Fitness, Work, Family, Sleep or Friends, you need to pick 3. (1) Others say that when it comes to your health, friends, family or work, one is going to suffer. (2)
While I think it’s impossible to give them all 100% of your energy, because that is physically and mathematically impossible, I still think we can do much better at managing them all and stop making excuses for bad performance at work, lack of presence or commitment in marriage or parenting, no-showing on your friends and not taking care of your health.
Unlike the writers I referenced, I think there are four main quadrants (or “burners”, as James Clear would explain in the below reference) which would be: Family, Business, Health and Hobbies.
In Clear’s explanation of the Four Burner’s Theory, he illustrates a picture of a stovetop where all four burners can’t be going at once. In my opinion, managing these well really looks like an ever-changing, seasonal pie graph, where you expend your energy differently on each thing throughout life. In the poorly drawn, peace-sign-looking illustration below, you’ll see an example of what I mean and how mine is in this season of my life.
I have a small family and no kids or wife, so that quadrant only takes up 10% (or an average of 16 hours a week) of my energy, and it is mainly on investing time with friends, get-togethers, church groups, dating and hanging with my pup. As you can tell, my health (45% or 75 hours a week) and business 35% or 60 hours a week) are the highest priorities in my life, with my hobbies being a much smaller, but still important percentage.
Keep in mind this is going to be different for everyone, so before we get into the life hacks, you need to spend time identifying what your pie graph looks like and understand that this graph will change seasonally, and you need to stay conscious of it.
For example, when I get married and have kids, that part of the graph will grow significantly, and I will have to take away from the others. For you, it might mean that when your kids go off to college, you invest less time on “family” and more time on “hobbies”.
Once you’ve drawn out your graph, these are the 10 life hacks that are going to help you manage your pie graph with excellence:
- Create a time budget (3)
If you begin to value your time like you do your money, you will get a lot more out of it. Identifying that there are 168 hours in every week, and what to do with those hours specifically will allow you to make the proper commitments. Please check out reference 3 for an outline.
- Use a meal prep company
Outsourcing things you don’t enjoy is a key hack that gives you more time in your day. Since most people don’t enjoy cooking a ton of meals in advance, and health should be a priority, using a meal prep company kills two birds with one stone. This would give you more time with friends, or more time with the wife, rather than running through drive-thrus or cooking at home when you’d rather be on the couch, the office or out.
- Outsource work or learn healthy delegation
Most business owners and entrepreneurs I know like to do all the work because they know they do it best and it saves them money. But once you recognize where your energy in your pie chart should be expended, you may see that by hiring others, delegating roles, or researching automation software, you can invest in those other priorities.
- Hire a personal trainer or join a group training facility
We all need to be working out, but most of us don’t have time to draw up a work out plan and spend 2 hours in the gym every day figuring it all out. By hiring a professional or joining a group, you can be in and out in one hour and stay in shape.
- Plan ahead and schedule everything
Even if it’s your work schedule, your daily work out, church on Sundays or picking up the kids, put it all on your calendar. It may seem tedious, but these things all take your time and energy and need to be documented so you know what you can realistically commit to every day/week moving forward.
- Learn to say no
Once you’ve created your pie graph, you should have a better perspective of the things in life you really value. Some of us waste too much time and energy doing things we don’t enjoy or things that don’t add value simply because we don’t know how to politely decline our friends, family and coworkers when they invite us to things or ask us to do things. Please take this into context and know that I am not telling you to tell your wife or your boss no because some things need to be done, but common sense will give you an idea of the things in your life I’m referencing.
- Create a to-don’t list every month
Over time, we accumulate roles, responsibilities and habits that we simply don’t need to be doing anymore. At the end of each month or beginning of each new month, take 1-2 hours to sit, reflect and document the things that have added up in your day-to-day. If you’ve already begun to master 1 through 6, it will be easy to identify how to eliminate the things that will go on your to-don’t list.
I recommend that anytime a major life change happens such as a new job, relationship, move, a new pet, kids, health issue, etc. – you reevaluate your pie graph and adjust accordingly. The key to mastering work-life balance is being proactive about the seasonal changes in your life and always understanding your proper percentages.